Laura and I always used to drink Arizona Iced Tea together. She actually introduced me to all the delicious teas and juices of the Arizona Tea Company. Whenever I drink Arizona Tea I think of Laura. Last summer, laura and i would go to LuLu's to get Arizona Tea. I miss her sooo much!
The other day when i drove to Yankton I stopped at a gas station and got a Mucho Mango Arizona drink. I took a picture of it with my cell phone so i could post it on my blog, but my phone is being crazy so I'll upload a picture from the internet.
Also, while I was at the gas station Ross got sunflower seeds and we ate them on our way to South Dakota. Laura used to eat sunflower seeds all the time, and we would always eat them together while we were driving! Ross is really bad at eating sunflower seeds...If laura were here, she would have taught him how to eat them better. :(
here is a picture of lulu's and a mucho mango arizona drink.
the only picture i can find of lulu's is on google maps...
oh man. i would so love an arizona iced tea! or at least to go an admire the selection at lulu's. bah.