hello laura missing community!
So i'm on my third all nighter of the semester, and I'm pretty bummed about it. I have company though. Eric, Ji Soo, Maddie, Andy, and Mandy are here. It's a typical kirk basement lab crew. I just wrote 120 words so it's time for a break. the all-nighter is going okay, but i need to get more productive...i'm not quite in the zone yet. Naturally, I'm listening to dave radio while i work; it's playing radiohead right now, and I also stopped at super america to get Jim Beam barbecue flavored sunflower seeds. me and laura used to eat sooo many Jim Beam barbecue sunflower seeds when we stayed up all night. Laura is really good at eating sunflower seeds...she's super fast...probably the fastest sunflower seed eater i know...except maybe my sister, but it's a tough call. anyway, i was just you thinking about laura, and i wanted to post. i think about laura a lot when i stay up all night. last time i stayed up all night i posted on my blog 3 times!! beh. i miss laura.
anyway, this is a picture of Jim Beam Barbeque Sunflower Seeds...note, they are soaked in genuine beam whiskey, and I didn't get carded when i bought them!
oh man. jim beam barbeque sunflower seeds! so delicious. maybe korea will realize that soon and start importing them.